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June 21, 2005



Holy shit--"Ebenezer Goode"! Blast from the emmereffin past.

Michael Denton

Commentary on modern comics seems to be a theme in all of Morrison's recent writings. I recently wrote on how I thought Seaguy addressed this and I'm prepared to do so on how Vimanarama also address the subject very similarly. I'm wondering if WE3 fits into that, although I'm not convinced it does; but that may not stop me from still trying to stretch a point there.

I think you are spot on with all your commentary on Seven Soldiers. Unfortunately my memory tends to fade within a month or so now, which causes me to buy trades more often than monthlies; so, although Seven Soldiers has me hooked, I'm failing to make some of those leaps (although I wondered about the TNT ring also). I'm tempted to think with the small linkages and overlaps present so early in the game that something more complexly woven will emerge towards the end of it all (or at least I hope so). Something truly unique may be at hand. And if it's not, it seems like it will be a supremely entertaining ride nonetheless.

Morrison can do weird for weird's sake all too often, but he has been hitting on all cylinders recently and has been constantly reconverting me to his side.

Johnny B

I was thinking the "Goode" name was a play on the Salem witch trials, for soem reason- I seem to recall one of the witches was named Goode.

But then again, I hadn't heard the song.

Paul O'Brien

For what it's worth, the Shamen long since stopped denying that "Ebeneezer Goode" was about drugs. They denied it at the time to avoid any risk of it getting banned from airplay.

They did however change some of the lyrics for a BBC performance to "Got any underlay?", which they later explained was "a rug reference."

It's still not a very good record, though.

Michael Denton

Johnny B is rights - as a quick Google search confirms -Sarah Goode was one of the three women who were tried for witchcraft in Salem on March 1, 1692, beginning the infamous witch trials.

Michael Denton

Sorry - a bit more reading indicates that it was Sarah Good (no "e") that was tried and convicted and hanged of witchcraft on that date (along with Sarah Osborne and Tituba, a slave woman).

Goode Glover was a laundress, however, hanged earlier in 1688 for witchcraft. The famous American reverend Cotton Mathers met with Goode to cause her to repent and later published a book on witchcraft, possibly helping spark the witch hysteria of 1692.


"I’ve always thought Morrison had the most interesting anxiety of influence vis-a-vis Moore of anyone in comics..."

Ah. I think I've been looking for a succinct way to say that for five years now.

Garrie Burr

Great ideas, Marc -- but I'm glad I saw it -after- I completed my own experiment with the series.

Though 7 Soldiers has been advertised as stand-alone mini-series that also complement each other to tell a larger story, try re-reading all of the issues so far in the order of their publication. At the very least, my own problems with the lack of 'meat' in the Shining Knight chapters was solved by taking on the series in this way.

It's been so much more rewarding for me than the way we usually tackle mini-series -- read all of Shining Knight, then all of Guardian, etc. etc. -- that I'm hoping they'll handle the trade collection of the series by alternating the chapters of each mini.

I agree with what's been said about Morrison and Alan Moore, but to me 7 Soldiers feels more like his attempt at channeling Jack Kirby (in fact, try re-reading Kirby's 4th World books in the order they were created rather than by order of publication). The 4th World books have often been criticized for bringing out too many ideas in too few issues and to me that's an -attribute- and a large part of the wonder I find in the best of both Kirby and Morrison. Yes, many of the concepts seem to have died on the vine (so far, at least) but Morrison's joy in pulling this stuff out of his head is quite infectious.

7 Soldiers could almost be Morrison's answer to "What If Jack Kirby was Told He Only Had A Limited Number of Issues to Create His Fourth World Saga?"

And doesn't Ebenezer Badde sound like a Kirby character?

Anyhow, I've gone on a bit too long, but I really wanted to comment on your wondering about the importance of 6...

If the dice is only able to give you Six choices then perhaps the Seventh choice is the fate you must decide for yourself.

Too much monkey business...

Take care out there...

Ben Fischer

I'm sorry if this sounds dumb, but where exactly did Craft reveal who the old man was? And who is the old man?


Good points all, Garrie, especially about the Kirby vibe.

Ben, I misspoke - it wasn't Cassandra who reveals it, it was Zatanna, when she mentions that she heard the disgraced magician Ali-Ka-Zoom "wound up wandering homeless in Los Angeles, haunting Sunset Boulevard in his tattered tailcoat and trick top hat."


Check these: http://barbelith.com/faq/index.php/Seven_Soldiers_Annotations

I hope some of you have already.

The old man could be Ali, but there's no definitely 'bout it. Could be Zatara.

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