In honor of the start of a new school year, I thought I'd share the contents of my small bookshelf of comics scholarship:
Will Brooker, Batman Unmasked
Jeffrey A. Brown, Black Superheroes, Milestone Comics, and Their Fans
Scott Bukatman, Matters of Gravity
The Comics Journal Library: Jack Kirby
Jules Feiffer, The Great Comic Book Heroes
Jeet Heer and Kent Worcester, eds., Arguing Comics
Gary Groth and Greg Sadowski, eds., Will Elder: The Mad Playboy of Art
R. C. Harvey, The Art of the Comic Book
Charles Hatfield, Alternative Comics: An Emerging Literature
Will Jacobs and Gerard Jones, The Comic Book Heroes
Gerard Jones, Men of Tomorrow
Geoff Klock, How to Read Superhero Comics and Why
Anne Magnussen and Hans-Christian Christiansen, eds., Comics & Culture
Scott McCloud, Understanding Comics and Reinventing Comics
Lance Parkin, The Pocket Essential Alan Moore
Matthew J. Pustz, Comic Book Culture
Dan Raviv, Comic Wars
William W. Savage, Jr., Commies, Cowboys, and Jungle Queens
Art Spiegelman and Chip Kidd, Jack Cole and Plastic Man
Robin Varnum and Christina T. Gibbons, eds., The Language of Comics
and, of course, a complete run of IJOCA
Books I consult often enough that I really should have my own copies:
Roberta E. Pearson and William Urrichio, eds., The Many Lives of the Batman (out of print!)
Richard Reynolds, Super Heroes: A Modern Mythology
Joseph Witek, Comic Books as History
And I'm looking forward to reading Pete Coogan's Superhero: The Secret Origins of a Genre as soon as I get the chance.