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September 28, 2006


jose alaniz

I actually preferred the previous "mindless action" issues myself. By the way, will you by chance be commenting on the complete "Lost Girls"? Frankly, I'd rather hear your take on that than on a so far at-best-mediocre Morrison series. I personally found the "Rite of Spring" episode extraordinary; Moore at the top of his form. Have fun at ICAF! -Jose


You know, I haven't read the complete Lost Girls yet and most of the reviews haven't exactly inspired me to run out and buy it. I was more intrigued by your presentation a few years back than I am by the word on the finished product. I'm sure I'll get around to it sometime, but right now I can't get past the lukewarm reviews and the sticker shock.

Shame we won't see you at ICAF (and that you missed PCA). We'll have to tap some up-and-coming young comics scholar to take your place at the table for the annual round of "I can't believe I read that."

jose alaniz

Blow off those reviews. "LG" belongs on the same shelf as "From Hell," "Watchmen," you name it. I got mine from Amazon.com for $47, with free shipping. That's not a bad deal when you consider you're getting three hard-bound volumes in a slipcase, with superior printing and production values (and then there's the work itself). Money well spent, my friend.


Everybody, it seems, but Grant Morrison.

I'm not so sure about that. For a guy who claims to want to lighten Batman up a bit, he's already shot the Joker in the head and decapitated an amusing D-lister I wanted to see more of. While I definitely enjoyed this issue more than the last two, I see Morrison falling into the trap of commenting more on the problem than actually fixing it. Be the change you want to see in the world, Grant!

Aside from that, characterization for Batman's sons is all over the place in this issue. Is Robin offended by Damian's presence, or is he welcoming of the boy? Is Damian disdainful and resentful of his father, or is he respectful and admiring of him, even to the point of psychosis? What makes Damian switch so suddenly from rejection of Batman to murderous emulation? This is far sloppier work from Morrison than we're used to seeing.

That said, the story's only half-over, right? Or is next issue the wrap-up? Either way Morrison still has a chance to get the next one right, I suppose.


Robin is offended (after his opening welcome is rebuffed) but he grows up and tries to accept the brat. Damian is disdainful and resentful about being moved around again until Bruce demonstrates his paternal authority, which unfortunately only reinforces Damian's perverse upbringing and causes him to swing around to his psychotic idea of filial duty. This isn't shifting characterization, it's conflict, and it would be a misguided criticism that holds characters to only one emotional state every 22 pages.

I agree that Morrison's commenting more than he's fixing--this is the signal mode of the new DC--but he's only just set up Batman's dilemma after two months of dicking around with ninja man-bats. If we never see Damian again after next issue then the arc will have been too abrupt, too second-order and referential. But if he lets the situation breathe then Morrison has found the perfect way of building his commentary into the story by confronting Batman with the daunting prospect of trying to raise himself.

Would've liked to see more Spook, though.

Matt Rossi

I have to say, so far I'm enjoying the run: just found a comic book shop within walking distance of the apartment in Edmonton and picked up the three Morrison Batmans, the latest All-Star Superman and an issue of the Busiek Supermn.

Sadly, however, I enjoyed both of the Superman books more than Morrison's take on Batman so far. Which is not to say that I didn't like Morrison's take on the character, because I did, but I don't believe based on reading these three issues that there will be anything even approaching a resolution in the fourth issue. It feels rushed, painfully rushed, as if Morrison had a year's worth of Batman stories in him and he's being forced to cram it all in four issues. Whether or not that's an accurate assesment of his mindset going in, I'm just not feeling the same sense of anticipation I get from the previous of SSoV or the All Star Superman issues: when Kurt Busiek can write a Superman story about yet another powerful alien who can give Superman a fight and end the story with Arion of Atlantis wearing Oscar Wilde's old clothes and I feel more satisfied with that, then there's got to be something wrong.

However, there's so much I like in this run that I'm having a hard time deciding what besides pacing is bugging me. I feel like I should like the Man-Bat ninja's more than I did, I feel like I should be rooting more for Batman and Damian to connect than I am. Still, the interplay between Alfred and Bruce is excellent, and I think I'd read the comic for another year just to see more of it, to be honest. I also enjoy the idea of Batman's 'war on crime' having been successful at last, but I can't shake the feeling that this will ultimately be an interlude that no one takes advantage of, much as later writers squandered all the possibilities of Morrison's runs on X-Men or JLA.


Hey, Matt. How's Canada?

I think what was missing from Morrison's Batman, until the latest issue, was any sense that something was at stake. The Joker scene, the ninja man-bats, even those clever pop art paintings were all too glib, too obviously either metacommentaries or strained attempts at doing something wild and over the top. It's an approach guaranteed to earn rounds of applause from self-conscious fans who read comics for doctrinal reinforcement and not pleasure, but it didn't make for a compelling story until Damian entered the picture and the metacommentary found its emotional, dramatic focus. I hope he'll stick around for more than one issue.

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