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March 30, 2007



I walked out of The Limey fully intending to investigate its antecedents, but I never got very far. Point Blank and Get Carter were about as far as I ever got. Any suggestions for other movies?


Point Blank and Get Carter are the closest to The Limey's spirit. Charley Varrick is just plain good neo-noir, if you can stomach the thought of Walter Matthau, Ladies' Man. (And worse: Joe Don Baker, Ladies' Man.) Vanishing Point is directly referenced in the car chase scene--Barry Newman plays Terry Valentine's security chief--(by the way, did some guy named Terry Valentine steal Soderbergh's girlfriend?)--and, of course, it is The Most 70s Movie Ever Made.

Actually, I recommend going to a comic store and picking up the fifth issue of Criminal, which has a text piece loaded with good recommendations. (For some reason Chinatown isn't on anyone's list--too respectable?--but that's well worth watching too.) You should probably pick up the previous four issues, too, since Criminal is a decent modern noir in its own right.

And if you haven't watched The Limey on DVD, you absolutely must, for the commentary-track scuffles between Soderbergh and screenwriter Lem Dobbs.

Strangely, I've never seen Poor Cow, the movie Soderbergh raided for clips of Wilson's earlier life, but it's more of a love story, not a neo-noir, and The Limey isn't actually a sequel--Stamp's character has a different name.

Enjoy your viewing! My neo-noir watching lately has moved off on an international tangent--Jean-Pierre Melville's Le Samourai (overrated, I think) and Masaki Kobayashi's Hara Kiri (cannot be rated highly enough).


Matthau and Baker, ladies men? Repellent. . .but intriguing. I appreciate the recommendations, and I'm definitely going to get a copy of Criminal. Thanks!


My pleasure!

David Oakes

And thank you Marc Singer (and Marc Singer, because he doesn't get enough props these days) for reminding me that I never did get around to watching "The Limey".

And curse my local Blockbuster to B-movie hell for carrying only carrying the "Point Blank" starring Mickey Rourke. Oh, the humanity...

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