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August 10, 2011


Jose Alaniz

awesomeawesomeawesomeawesome ...

David Golding


David Fiore

fantastic news!


On behalf of Gravitas Ventures, I’d like to share with you Grant Morrison: Talking With Gods, a feature length documentary that takes an in depth look at the life, career and mind of the man behind such pivotal titles as Batman RIP, The Invisibles, All Star Superman, and The New X-Men. If you are interested, it is streaming for FREE on Hulu. Please help spread the word and embed the video onto your blog, or share the link with others.

Thank you for your help!

Here is the embed code:



Looks like TypePad blocked your embed code, Brianne. It's probably time I developed a policy about promotional comments anyway.

At least this one is relevant to the post. I own Talking With Gods on DVD and would recommend it to Morrison fans.

Also, it's nice to hear from so many old friends. Hope you enjoy the book!

Stepehn Frug

The book's coming out!? That's what Dave Campbell would call a !@#$% YEAH!! moment.

David Allison

Don't think I could be any more excited to read your book than I am Marc. Can't wait, but I guess I'm going to have to!


SO far, just a few pages in: it's a fucking good book.

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