...here are a few other pieces I've written on comics. They're both basically excuses to play around with some of my favorite single issues and see what makes them tick.
I have an article on Alan Moore's Swamp Thing (with a brief detour into Promethea) in the newest issue of Studies in Comics, a terrific academic journal published out of the UK. This is an all-Alan Moore issue, publishing papers from the Northampton conference last year. My piece is mostly about "Pog," a comic I'd been dying to write about for years.
I also have a chapter in Matthew J. Smith and Randy Duncan's Critical Approaches to Comics: Theories and Methods, which comes out from Routledge this week. This piece uses a few concepts from narratology to conduct an extended reading of the "Best Man Fall" issue of The Invisibles; think of this one as a companion or extension of the Morrison book, offering a level of detail that the book's career-long focus wouldn't allow.
And, of course, the book comes out in December. Hope you enjoy them all!